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All public speaking is via ZOOM until further notice

Via Zoom I can lecture globally. It helps our environmental footprint, negating travel fees and carbon. It is the perfect platform for effective teaching.

Photography & Natural History Lectures

My lectures focus on learning; sharing methods to advance craft and bring storytelling to a higher level, beginner or professional.  I’m very passionate about photography and enjoy teaching with the career credentials to back it up; 40+ years of pro shooting, 11 years as a staff BBC Natural History Unit producer / cameraman, 6 years as BBC  in-house lead film production trainer as well as university teaching appointments and years of hosting workshops and leading tours.  My aim is to educate, increase visual intelligence and inspire while having fun doing it; simple tips as well as novel techniques with recommendations to produce recognizable improvements.  Ideally, participants come away informed and buzzing with ideas to impact their own work.  My communication style is open and relaxed with audience inclusion.  I’m approved as a Welsh Photographic Federation speaker and listed on the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Zoom speakers register with excellent feedback. For universities, broadcasters, professional groups as well as individuals ½ and full-day workshops are also available, please see the tuition page.  Scrowl down to see what’s on offer, you’ll find all fee details and booked dates at the bottom of the page.  I look forward to meeting you and your group.

Please click the green feedback button below to see what people say.

👇🏼   😃   👇🏼


Principles of Photography

A photographic journey of self-improvement to create images with impact.  If you want to kick start your photo mojo this talk is it!  Learn how to up your photo game with award-winning BBC cameraman Phil Savoie.  This information packed talk is very popular and recommended as an initial photo lecture. We’ll cover topics not often discussed from eye line & the psychology of perspective, the science of lens testing & optical physics, aperture choice as a storytelling device as well as the odd location war story.  Pro tips for participants to grow as photographers; to produce higher image quality, advance storytelling skills and develop artistic acumen. Illustrated with local images, covering all genres – wildlife, landscape, sport, people & astrophotography.  The thrust of Principles of Photography is to share years of hard-won knowledge and inspire with easy practical shooting methods that result in noticeable improvement straight away. Approximately 60 minutes, 10-minute break, 60 minutes with Q&A.

Strictly Telephoto

Long lenses bring us into the action providing a unique POV.  From short 85mm telephotos employed for portraits to specialized whoppers like “The Tuna” a 1700mm Nikon monster.  We’ll cover the history of telephoto tech that pitted major camera brands against each other driving development. Proven operating techniques for mastering telephoto photography shared. Difficult subjects on the move, like animals in flight to sport and employing telephoto lenses for tricky macro. As well as the value of long lenses for their ability to isolate landscapes to create strong images.  Hard-won tips and tricks to capture the uncommon.  Approximately 50 minutes, 10-minute break, 50 minutes with Q&A


The Private Lives of Bees

The UK is home to over 270 species of bees. Biologist and award-winning filmmaker Phil Savoie will introduce you to the private lives of our common garden bees from the largest Bumblebee to tiny, often hidden, 3mm gems. We dig deep into the floral connection bees have with flowers from communication to mutual benefits. A Macro photo-based natural history lecture suitable for both photo and nature-based audiences. Excellent feedback from Bristol University Botanic Gardens, Wildlife Trusts, Beekeeper and Photo clubs.  Approx 45 minutes, 10-minute break, 45 minutes with Q&A

A Trip to the Tropics

A steamy pictorial Jungle journey to a Tropical Rainforest. The stunning web of life revealed. What’s required for a successful tropical photo trip. Precautions, gear prep, unique problems and solutions. A very popular Winter booking!  Approx 45 minutes, 10-minute break, 45 minutes with Q&A

Marvelous Macro

A peek into the world of the often overlooked smaller majority all around us.  Techniques and tools for successful macro photography from microscopic pollen grains to hidden worlds measured in millimeters.  Tricks to overcome depth of field issues, diffraction, wide-angle macro, focus stacking, the use of borescopes & microscope objectives, tabletop tips, ethics, in-flight capture methods and more.  Loads of frogs and bees – what’s not to like!  Approximately 50 minutes, 10-minute break, 50 minutes with Q&A

On the Move

Exploring shutter speed and creativity.  A closer look at high speed, motion blur, smear photography, long exposure and camera movement to achieve dynamic images. Professional tips and methods shared.  Approx 45 minutes, 10 minute break, 45 minutes with Q&A

Under the Stars

Exploring our fabulous dark sky.  Wales offers some of the best night sky on Earth for Astrophotography. Professional tips and methods unique to Astrophotography.  Planning, camera and lens prep to the latest postproduction methods to produce knockout Astro shots.  Approx 45 minutes, 10 minute break, 45 minutes with Q&A

My Wales in Black & White

My journey of living and photographing the wonderful Welsh people, countryside and wildlife. 20+ years of personal documentary photography.  Told in monochrome with all it’s raw emotional glory!  Approx 45 minutes, 10 minute break, 45 minutes with Q&A

The Wild West

A trip down the backroads of Montana from Rodeo to the Rocky Mountains. Wildlife, landscape and onward into Yellowstone National Park.  Approx 45 minutes, 10 minute break, 45 minutes with Q&A



A Night of Telly Tattle

Why not try something different, screen a film with the filmmaker.  These are international distributed, award-winning personal projects, 50 minute BBC TV films I’ve made from concept to delivery.  From original idea, pitching, planning, production, storytelling devices, editing, original music score, sound and narration record and finally, to transmission, all is revealed.  Discover behind the scenes nuts and bolts of the filmmaking process from the craft of the ‘how did they do that’ cinematography to the unexpected location stories.  Authored projects are useful teaching vehicles, entertaining and popular with clubs and universities alike.  50 min screening, intermission, 40 min production discussion and deconstruction with Q&A

HOTEL HELICONIA – Presented by Robert Lindsay

Hotel Heliconia is a popular jungle B&B.  Tenants include dazzling hummingbirds, rare white bats, gaudy frogs and yellow vipers to name a few.  Like a brilliant beacon, the plants magnificent flowers lure many.  The plant and its guests each gain from the visits.  They can check out any time they like but can they ever leave?  Additional production information for the film can be found on the Film page.

Western Daily Press – “Breathtaking photography”

The Mail – “Amazing close-ups…. beautifully filmed”

Finalist Best of Festival, Merit Award for Photography, Merit Award for Educational Value – International Wildlife Film Festival

Special Award for Photography & Contribution to Biology – Festival de l’Oiseau France

Special Jury Award for Photography – Wildlife Film Festival Japan

A MOOSE NAMED MADELINE –  Presented by Richard E. Grant

A shrill calling Loon shatters the thick mist.  Standing tall an imposing Moose pivots her huge ears on a foggy, remote island.  At her feet lays a newborn calf, Madeline, too young to stand.  Madeline has a 50/50 chance to see a new year.  Here in the Canadian wilderness life is a struggle through seasonal extremes.  Clumsy, awkward, and vulnerable in her buff-brown coat Madeline is endearing.  With luck, she may grow to be a forest giant like her mother.  No one, however, will accuse her of being a beauty queen.  Her thin legs are too long, her tail too short, her ears too big, her muzzle too odd, and in general she is just too lumpy!

After all she is a moose….’A Moose Named Madeline’.

Additional production information for the film can be found on the Film page.

The Times – Daily Choice **** “straight out of a storybook. Lovely restful television.”

Daily Mail – Pick of the Day **** “Richard E. Grant narrates this stunning film following the adventures of a Canadian Moose… Beautifully filmed… A gem.”

Sunday Times – Pick of the Week **** “A beautifully shot treatise on the fragility and determination of nature”.

Radio Times – Critics Choice**** “…spectacular photography.”

Best Cinematography & Finalist Best of Festival – Valvert International Wildlife Film Festival, Brussels 

Finalist Best of Festival, Merit Award for Animal Behavior, Merit Award for Music, Merit Award for Use of Natural Sound – International Wildlife Film Festival

BIG SKY BEARS –  Presented by Jeremy Northam

In Montana’s Rocky Mountains mother bear has only a short time to teach newborn cubs the ways of the forest.  Her summer camp covers everything from tree climbing lessons to trout fishing, complete with ant picnics.  Wolves, coyotes and even other bears would like to join the cubs for dinner, with the cubs as the dish!   What’s more, if they don’t fatten up they won’t survive their seven-month hibernation.  Growing up isn’t easy in Big Sky Country.

Additional production information for the film can be found on the Film page.

The Sunday Times Knowledge  **** “..perfect mix of intolerably sweet bear cubs, achingly beautiful landscapes and extraordinary facts.”

Daily Express**** Without trying it was a little masterpiece.

The Express  “A mesmerizing look at an enchanting family of black bears. It’s a remarkable piece of film….”

The Independent ****  Pick of the Day

The Times – Daily Choice ‘Top Pick’  “…it is wondrous.”

Western Daily Press – ” Bravo, and more of the same please.”

Radio Times  – Critics choice “An enchanting and picturesque film”

Motion control tracking lapse time / time lapse with producer Vanessa B.  BBC PLANET EARTH


A collection of Popular TV clips screened and deconstructed; field techniques, storytelling and behind the scenes tricks revealed. Various clips from BBC Natural History Unit Series such as Planet Earth and others.

Zoom public speaking fees for 2024

Zoom fees for Clubs and Groups:  £125 ($175) for one club with up to 50 people in attendance including guests.  £175 ($200) for up to 80 total attendance or 2 clubs sharing the talk.  £225 ($300) fee for large clubs 81~100 limited to 100 total attendance. If your club or group is small and in need of a Zoom speaker drop me a line I’m sure we can work something out. Please note 100 people is a Zoom meeting cut off, larger attendance is easily accommodated but requires a slightly higher fee and a Zoom add-on based on headcount.

A note to those booking:  Due to copyright concerns recording is not allowed.  If club members miss a booked talk contact me and I’ll add them on as guests at the earliest opportunity.  Please note the Zoom fees above are based on speaking at regular club meetings. If the club chooses to charge a nominal fee to a few visitors thinking of joining, fair play – we all know it’s normal practice as when club meetings are in person.

Club Meeting v Event:  Booking a speaker and advertising it online with an entry fee is an event.  No worries but events are different from a monthly club membership meeting.  Contact me to discuss your plans, happy to help.  Event rates follow.

Zoom fees for Events or Organizations: £180~350 ($250~460) Rates are attendance based.  100 is a Zoom based cut off, larger attendance is easily accommodated but requires a slightly higher fee and a Zoom add on based on final headcount. Please contact me to discuss your needs.

Zoom fees for University, Corporate / Keynote Speaker: £350~550 ($460~700) As above 100 is a Zoom based cut off, larger attendance is easily accommodated but requires a slightly higher fee and a Zoom add on based on final headcount. Please contact me to discuss your needs.

I’m constantly updating my presentations with fresh photographic work and new information. If you require something in particular I will construct a programme to fit your needs and length. Please contact me to chat about your needs or book a date.

Cancellation Fees: 0-7 days notice = 100% fee, 8-14 days notice = 50% fee, 15 days notice = no fee.

Speaking Dates 2025



‘Principals of Photography’

Reford Photographic Society



‘A Trip to the Tropics’

Thornbury Photography Club




‘Strictly Telephoto’

Beverley Photography Club



‘Principals of Photography’

Seven Oaks Camera Club



‘Strictly Telephoto’

Ellon Photography Group



‘Strictly Telephoto’

Queens Park Camera Club




‘Strictly Telephoto’

Crawley Camera Club




‘Principals of Photography’

Deepings Camera Club



‘Big Sky Bears ~ film screening’

Abergavenny Camera Club




‘Marvelous Macro’

Ormskirk Camera Club

👇🏼 Zoom Tuition👇🏼

👉🏼 Latest News 👉🏼 Home-based learning is hot at the moment.  See the tuition page for what’s on offer from individuals to small groups focused on learning a particular method or genre of photography.  Or for a portfolio review, I started my photography career as a picture editor, editing National Geographic Staff.  If you’re new to using Zoom and would you’d like to explore home-based learning options contact me – we’ll go for a virtual test drive!  I’m always up for a photo chat!

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